In this page you can find the official descriptions, logos and basic materials to communicate about the eWAsTER Euro-MED project.
To describe the project, you can use one of the following:
/ One sentence
eWaster aims to promote local and regional policies for better e-waste management, to reduce e-waste environmental damage in the selected areas, while promoting new innovative eco-business models based on the conversion of the currently lineal electrical and electronic (E&E) sector into a sustainable circular model.
/ One paragraph
eWaster aims to promote local and regional policies for better e-waste management, to reduce e-waste environmental damage in the selected areas, while promoting new innovative eco-business models based on the conversion of the currently lineal electrical and electronic (E&E) sector into a sustainable circular model. The project gather 11 partners and 14 associated, in tandems of technical and political bodies, covering 6 EU MS and 1 IPA country, which will approve 8 new Action Plans for e-waste management covering the main recommendations of the “Circular Electronics Initiative” from the EU Circular Economy AP.
Download the Interreg Euro-MED eWAsTER official logo.