What we do

eWAsTER project aims to promote local and regional policies for better e-waste management, to reduce e-waste environmental damage in the selected areas, while promoting new innovative eco-business models based on the conversion of the currently lineal electrical and electronic (E&E) sector into a sustainable circular model.

The project gather partners and associated organizations, covering 7 EU (Portugal, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Italy and Cyprus) and 1 IPA country (Bosnia and Herzegovina), which will approve 8 new Waste Management Plans, covering the main recommendations of the “Circular Electronics Initiative” of the EU Circular Economy Action Plan.


еWАsTER provides joint solutions to an existing problem of the Mediterranean Sea, which requires a common approach!

Project work plan:

  • Drafting of Local Action Plans (LAPs) for Mediterranean e-waste prevention and management
  • Joint testing of solutions for e-waste prevention and management in MED
  • Deployment of solutions for Transnational e-waste prevention and management


    • Local public authority: The role of local governments in waste management activities and responsibility varies between Mediterranean countries, but most of them have different assigned responsibilities. In some countries, responsibility for waste management (especially solid waste such as e-waste) lies fully on local governments.
    • Regional public authority: In some of the Mediterranean countries, one government authority (ministry, department, agency, etc.) is responsible at regional level for all environmental policies, including the management of waste and e-waste. In other countries, several ministries or other authorities are responsible for different parts of the waste management system.
    • NGOs, groups of citizens or interested groups: In many MED areas, especially in rural areas, peripheral areas, islands, or those countries where the e-waste management policies have not been fully developed, many initiatives for waste prevention have been launched by them.
    • SME’s and general public: Similarly to the general public, SMEs will be the main final beneficiaries of the project results, as the project objective is to promote new eco innovative business models, based on the eco-renting, the reparation, recollection and reuse of electronic and electric equipment.